Surviving BF, SBS, CM

Surviving BF, SBS, CM

That is:

Black Friday

Small Business Saturday

Cyber Monday

Survive? Actually, the correct terminology is; Thank You! Thank you for supporting us, allowing us to provide gifts for your friends and loved ones, Thank you for doing business with us. We appreciate our connection, and love to lift others up with fun, quality t-shirts and caps.

November 29, 2022 — ed roth
The Unknown Blog

The Unknown Blog

I don't believe anyone is aware of this blog. People will know, someday. For now, it is a bit therapeutic to write without anyone seeing what i am writing. It is basically a journal.

Journaling has been known for centuries to be very helpful, a self-counseling, if you will. I similarly find talking to myself out loud, such as while driving, to be a verbal act of journaling, and very helpful to me to work through things. We all need to work through things, so to speak. Such as, why I am using my t-shirt blog as therapy!! Eventually, this blog will become a part of my business, my marketing, and most importantly, a means of further connection between myself and you, the customer and friend of Roth Shirt Co. Because I don't wish to just run a business, I wish to connect with people, and be a part of us all connecting more rather than less.

November 22, 2022 — ed roth
The peaceful season/the busy season

The peaceful season/the busy season

Today I'm reflecting on what this time of year is about.. For Christians, it is about celebrating the birth of their Savior; for many it is about the birth of One who taught people about love and forgiveness; for all, it should be a time of Thanksgiving, of gathering with family to celebrate family, friendship, joys, Blessings. 

It is also a time that can get so busy. Sometimes too busy. That is a special challenge for someone, like myself, running a retail store and business. The looming shopping holidays such as black Friday, Cyber Monday, etc. etc. can become a challenge to keeping my focus on the peace and gratefulness we should feel at this time of year. For me, it comes down to seeing all the special shopping days that there are approaching, being diligent with taking care of our customers desires, understanding the value of creating income before the slow season of winter takes over... but, most importantly, reading every warning sign that the focus on "sales" is improperly balancing my internal need for peace, for understanding WHAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT IN LIFE.

May we all enjoy the meaningful balance we need at this time of year, and discard any feelings of stress that can arise from losing our focus on what is really important.

November 21, 2022 — ed roth
4 rolls = 56... sheesh!

4 rolls = 56... sheesh!

I roll my eyes every time I go by the paper products aisle.. have you noticed the ridiculous verbiage each TP manufacturer screams out, trying to outdo each other!. 4 rolls equals 8!   4 rolls equals 12!   4 rolls equals 16!!  18 MEGA rolls equals 72 regular rolls! Kind of a sad state of affairs, don't you think?? I'm pretty sure a roll is just a roll...  =:l

November 20, 2022 — ed roth


Winter seems to be kicking in early here in Michigan... I welcome the slow-down after a busy, wonderful summer and fall. Currently baking a pie, and a warm fire in the fireplace. Catching up on things that need catching up on... friends and family are more willing to text and communicate, we are all appreciating each other.



Simple things.


November 19, 2022 — ed roth
New Designs

New Designs

I love creating new designs... the most creative part of my business, I'm sure that goes without saying... every week, someone says something to me in a conversation that registers within me, and I quickly write it down on my Iphone. The new design above, I took from a statement by Craig, the head brewer at Fresh Coast Beer Works here in TC. I'm looking forward to releasing a few new ones in time for the final Holiday shopping rush....
November 16, 2022 — ed roth
Muse 3; tis the season

Muse 3; tis the season

It's an interesting time of year to me. A time to celebrate a Holiday of Thanksgiving, and a Holiday of renewal, forgiveness.  A time to slow down as the season changes and it becomes dark outside for a much greater portion of each day. Thirdly, a time in our society and in my business to sell things, to create business before another year closes. 

I think for me, at Roth Shirt Co., Ladies Night and Men's Night exemplify a time to be grateful to have been around for another year, to have made it through a busy summer in Traverse City, and a time to thank and appreciate friends and customers. Often on these nights, I see many acquaintances and friends that I have not seen for most of the year. And, to  have a chance to visit with no pressure, no agenda, just share a drink and a laugh and be grateful for:

each other

our (hopefully) health

another year under our belts, thankfulness to have completed another "trip around the sun" and the hope of looking forward to be able to enjoy another.


November 15, 2022 — ed roth

Musings 2

My goal is to share each day.... My first post here was Friday, today is Monday. OK, two days missed =:l

I am a firm believer in getting the engine going, then adjusting as you go. My goal is to post, even if I don't feel I have anything to post, that by getting going I will eventually have valuable things to share. Rather than not posting at all, or trying to follow other perceived scripts, or worrying about not being perfect.

After all, I started this business with no art background whatsoever, a distaste for retail sales, and 6 shirt designs. Now, I am a multi-millionaire. OK, the last part is not true, but we have morphed into a fun business connecting, creating, and lifting people up

"Sometimes you have to jump off cliffs and build wings on the way down"


November 14, 2022 — ed roth
Ed's Musings

Ed's Musings

I've wanted to start a blog for Roth Shirt Co.

It appears that I have...

November 11, 2022 — ed roth