Just read a great article in the local weekly newspaper, the Northern Express, about Mundos Coffee. Mundos first opened in TC in 2017, and has grown into 4 locations, 3 in TC and 1 in Suttons Bay. What stood out the most was their commitment to excellence in coffee, a commitment to slowing things down to make a better quality cup of coffee, a commitment to helping people slow down and enjoy the simple things, and their desire to raise the bar in the coffee world and in everything they do.
This got me to realizing some similarities I have with my business; I love t-shirts (wear one every single day), I want to help people slow down and connect more, and I want to raise the bar in every approach of my business, from the quality of our shirts and caps, to the way we handle customer service.
So, try visiting a Mundos location if you can for a great coffee experience. The article is here. Find Mundos locations here